Tuesday 13 January 2015

Your eyes.

It feels like I could possibly change the world
Your world..

When I am with you.
When you look at me those eyes.

It feels like the littlest things about me could possibly change your world.

It's in the intricacy of your attention.
The way your eyes trail my cheekbones as they rise with a smile or fall after a long day.
The way you trail the story of my words, lining them with relentless assurance.

It's the incredulous feeling of you being incessantly in love with the musings of my mind.

It's in the lightness,
The feeling of being a child again when I am with you.

The swelling of self,

This newly found confidence.

This absence of calculation,

This comfort in our silences

The flexibility of your affection.

It's all in your eyes,

And when I speak...

About my day or an idea I just had.

The intricacy of your love,
Your smile,
Your eyes,
Oh, your magical eyes...
They wrap around me.

....And it feels like I could possibly change the world.  : )

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