Wednesday 22 October 2014

The You I Am Afraid Of.

This is not the you I am afraid of.

When you asked if I trust you.

I want you to know,

That this is not the you I am afraid of.

I am afraid of the you after this.

The you after us.

That is the you I am afraid of.

The you after the I love you's

The you that has been transformed by heartbreak.

The you that is cold, and numb and indifferent.

Because I love you.

Because you love me.

But we are two explosives.

And so there is no peaceful ending to this love story.

So, no, I do not trust that you.

Because I haven't met him.

I haven't seen the darkness in his eyes.

But he knows my secrets.

He knows my weaknesses.

He knows his way around me.

That is the you I am afraid of.

That is the me you should be fiercely terrified of.