Friday 12 September 2014

Thank you! - Video

Hey guys!

This post is just to say thank you to everyone that reads this blog and also to everyone that gives me feed back on my pieces. Every comment gives me a new out look on my writing and honestly makes my day. So thank you guys!

The dream at the moment is that I do for you, what other writers have done for me, which is to write a story or poem so sincere and relatable that it feels like your emotions have been converted to words. If I have done that at any point, my dreams are slowly coming true :)

Below, is a link to a video I made to show my appreciation. I have many more screen shots in my collection but these are the only ones I could find right away. Please let me know if you cannot access the video.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Thank you for inspiring us with your beautiful pieces! Can't wait to read more from you :DDD

    1. Aww thank you sister! Abi you're welcome lol. ♡♡
