Friday 19 July 2013

Me and The Music Rack

Hey lovely people! I once watched a spoken word poetry video in which the poet said that sometimes as he wrote/spoke he felt like a stripper; speaking to people he never met before about intimate things in his life. I definitely feel like I'm stripping with this one. I'm not one to write about myself. But something happened of recent that led to this.

If you rolled my heart out and laid it on a music rack, you would play the symphony of an old love song.
embroidery of hidden faces and swallowed words.
It would be one of those songs that melt your heart. 

If you rolled out my heart and laid it on a music rack, you would find your voice as you played.
Hear the vivid drums of glistening eyes and thrown back heads.
It would be one of those moments you just want to scream. 

If you rolled out my heart and laid on a music rack, it would speak words of confusion.
Heartbreaks and hushed voices.
Tired minds and empty stories.
Heavy heads and avoided memories.
Deleted songs and regretted pictures. 

If you rolled out my heart and laid it on a music rack. The lyrics of my soul would change you.
You would look at life through the curtains of wonder and a new kind of fear, or is it love?
You would see yourself and would not recognize your features. 

If you rolled out my heart and laid it on a music rack. You would rebuke the words that you speak.
Lash out and recoil.
Run and pray and run again.


  1. Simply beautiful. Love the opening... The preamble too was good but I definitely love the opening lines.

    I'll call it stripping behind a veil. A translucent veil to be clear. Saying so much yet too little; keeping the mind that wonders pondering.

    Thumbs up.

    P.s. Take up art courses. You can only get better.

    1. Thanks alot dear. So much yet too little was the idea :)

  2. People if you rolled out my heart and lay it on a music would find this particular write up running over and over again..keep it up mensu!!!

  3. This is amazing!!! Great job Shagingin, I am impressed by your depth. Wow. I can also definitely relate to this.

    1. Thank you Ninisco! I'm happy you can relate

  4. This is so deep and so beautiful Shalom.

  5. Hey shalom. U r a better writter tham me. No body's write up is seen better than urs. I want u 2 knw that i read it everyday keep it up. Lewis.

    1. Thank you so much Lewis. I appreciate!

  6. mmmh...deep...and for this to come from a 16 year old....Africa has a future....Impressive...just fell in love with your writing
