Monday 17 June 2013

Book of the Week!

Hello Ladies and Gents! I've decided to have a book or short story of the week from time to time and give a little review of the book or short story. If anyone has any suggestions of books or short stories I should check out, do leave a comment underneath this post. I'll read it and put on here, a review of the novel or short story and the name of the person who recommended it.

So the book of the week is...... The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka.

This book is a play set in the village of Ilunjunle, western Nigeria . It's one heavy with literature and an interesting play of words. But at the same time, the story can be easily understood by the casual reader. It is the first Wole Soyinka book I've read and I loved it! Trying very hard not to give too much away, the book is about love and deception. It's quite a short play, the paperback having 72 pages. If you're looking for a book to read that isn't too long but is at the same time filled with character, The Lion and the Jewel is the book for you! If you've read this book already or read it after this post, let me know what you think about it. And if you have any suggestions of other Wole Soyinka books I should read, please let me know.

Have an awesome week people and remain positive! :)

Picture gotten from

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely going to read it. Seeing that I'm not a big reader, 72 pages sounds about right for me. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll let you know what I think.

    I love this Book of the Week thing you have going, btw!

    Love and always love,
